Supporting The EPC Public Procurement IN Going-beyond.
STEPPING promotes Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs) as a means of increasing the energy performance of public buildings in the Mediterranean. The innovation of the project lies in the fact that it seeks to adapt this tool to the particular local conditions (limited finances of the Municipalities, a lack of highly developed markets for energy upgrade services, energy-intensive public building stock, etc.).
As part of this project, 8 pilot investment projects will be developed and implemented in 7 countries impacting a total of 60 Municipalities. Indeed, for the 4 investment projects, tenders will be launched with a view to implement EPCs for the buildings provided for in the plans.
The project guarantees the transfer of knowledge through, among other things, the “Guide to Energy Performance Contract Implementation for Public Buildings in the Mediterranean” being developed by AEEA, as well as an on-line platform hosting project deliverables, good practices and information material from the study area etc available in 7 languages.